Monday, June 23, 2008


I finished this today. I am the third person to mention has anyone else read it? Don't be shy, add your comments!

I had a hard time getting into it at first. I thought it was just a bunch of rambling, as if she just threw some memories in here and there. As I read on, I realized that there really was structure to it. Things connected and I think more than anything, past just the stories, each chapter revealed more and more about her personality and her families. I loved reading about her adventures in the small town, but I think the points she was trying to get across were much deeper than just a short book of memories.

She was what I would describe the typical youngest child. I liked how she made herself seem like a selfish child who never did any good deeds, but she really did help people. One of my favorite parts was when she stayed after with her friend for private band lessons. She didn't know why her friend needed her, but she had this mature instinct. I saw that a few times, she was very in tune with people's feelings. Another example of this was when she got the dog for her dad that he loved for 14 years or whatever. She may not have been typical, but I bet she has made and kept a lot of friends.


Lindsey said...

Darn it. . .I was really going to read the book this month. . .I am still on the waiting list at the library!

Heather said...

I can see what you mean about it being random, but I didn't mind. Sometimes it is just nice to read a simple book with some interesting stories. I like weird people- this was right up my alley! :0)