Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Time Traveler's Wife: Reviewed

The time has come to tell all about the "Time Traveler's Wife". What did you think? I don't have time to write a lot so if someone else would like to write a response, that would be great!

I enjoyed the story very much. I thought it was unique and definitely drew me in. I could have done without the F-word and detailed sex scenes, but overall I liked the book.

I really liked Clare. I don't know what it was, but she seemed like a good person. I loved how she described her baby. The detailed descriptions made me think the author must be a mother. The things that she went through were heart-wrenching and I think she handled everything pretty gracefully. I was a little confused during the last miscarriage. I read a review that was saying something about time traveling fetuses and now I think I missed something. Anyone understand that?

I was intrigued by the thought of time travel. It would be amazing to be able to go back in time and revisit things, but I would hate it if I couldn't change anything. Plus the parts about being naked, losing feet, getting shot, etc. those are all downsides :). I can't wait to see the movie that is coming out next year!

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