Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dear John

So, I read the book. I'm not sure that I liked it. Of course, I was mostly mad that first John reupped his enlistment, but I understood it. Then I was really mad that Savannah didn't wait for him. I wanted it to work out so badly, so I was disappointed with the end.

The major thing that bothered me was that Savannah couldn't just be happy with her decision. She made her choice to marry Tim, but then as soon as she saw John, it was like oh? I'm married? I forgot. I was a little perturbed that she couldn't let it go. I was impressed by John's willingness to let her go, it was very impressive. And Tim was so nice about everything. It was almost as if he expected Savannah to cheat on him with John if John ever came back (even though nothing happened really)...I really couldn't understand that character. The ending was really sad, I was so heart broken for John because he lost the two most important people to him in the space of two weeks. His dad was a really interesting character. He was probably my favorite character in the book because he was just so good and constant.

Overall, it was a good fast read, but it won't make it onto my favorite book list. What did you think?


Lindsey said...

I am sorry, I didn't read the book. I have a hard time with Nicholas Sparks. I really liked the Notebook and a few others but some of the recent ones I have read have been so cheeseball! I will really try to read next months book though!

Sara said...
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Sara said...

I think cheesy is a good word to describe this book. I couldn't think of the word last night, but pretty much that sums up the book. I liked the Notebook too; it was definitely different than Dear John.

Jess said...

I agree. Not my favorite. It seems like Sparks' books (all two of them that I've read) end not so happy. Not that it's a bad thing though...